Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 13.05.25 Praxis Vertebralis, Neuro-foot Reflexology by Lone Sorensen.


IMPORTANT: This course is for people who have experience in reflexology or have knowledge about similar areas (Health professionals, Nurses, Physicians, Therapists, beauticians, etc.)


This course is a physial product that will be shipped to your home.


With Neuro-foot reflexology / Praxis Vertebralis methodology it is possible to achieve the same corrective results of the spine by applying the therapy on feet and liberating the nerve roots, with much less risks than performing the treatment directly on the spine.

Praxis Vertebralis means manipulation with the spinal.

When study the method of Praxis Vertebralis it is possible to understand the issues related to the body dynamics. The condition can be observed on the spine and at the same time on the spine zone one feet, where the study and treatment are performed.

When working on the structural harmony on the spine, it is possible to unblock and liberate spinal nerves and in this way it is possible to correct conditions causing physical, chemical and mental illness, all by working on the spinal area of the feet.

The reflex impact skin-Central Nervous System involves a deep stimulus that through the Peripheral Nervous System and the Neuro Vegetative System can reach muscles, skeleton, joints, bones, organs, hormonal system, viscera and brain. Thus, a certain pressure in specific zones and points of the feet can have an effect on the neuro-motor and neuro-vegetative systems.

Praxis Vertebralis Neuro –Foot Reflex therapy by Lone Sorensen is an excellent method as a mono therapy but also a fantastic tool to combine with osteopathic-, body massage, acupuncture, traditional Foot reflexology and of course – with Facial Reflex therapy.

Neuro foot imageContent of the course

Module 1

– Posturology, observations of the body posture.

– The influence of the postural problems on the physical and emotional function.

– The central nervous system.

– The dermatome maps

– The map of neurological zones and points of the foot, corresponding to the spine and spine nerves.

– Analysing method

– Correction of postural problems through feet.

–  Treatment method of the physical spinal line

–  The “emotional” map corresponding to the spine.

–  Treatment of the emotional spinal line

–  Practice.

–  Test

–  Exam

Module 2

– The theory of the area of the spine and spine nerves treatment and analysing of blocks.

– The influence of the postural problems in organic, physical and emotional function.

– Dermatome therapy; the relationship spinal nerves with internal organs, glands, bones,  muscles, skin, etc.

– The methodology of correction of postural problems through feet.

– Demonstration of Manipulation PRAXIS VERTEBRALIS.

– Demonstration of the combination of methodology of points, points and spinal and balancing method.

Students guides practice of Nerve zones and analysing/evaluation of blocks.

– Demonstration of the methods and analysing of the “emotional” map corresponding to the spine.


This course is a physial product that will be shipped to your home.




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The Courses of Facial Réflex therapy sorensensistem TM is approved and Co- sponsored by:

Lone Sorensen, P00124, is approved as a provider of continuing education by the American Reflexology

Certification Board.

Reconocido por y Co-sponsored by the North Carolina Reflexology Association and the Center for Healing


Approved by DDZ, Denmark

Approved by AoR, United Kingdom

Approved by Federation for Holistic Therapists (FHT)Uk

Approved by Irish Reflexologists’ Institute (IRI)

Approved in USA by:

Co-sponsored by the North Carolina Reflexology Association and The Center for Healing Arts.

Lone Sorensen, P00124, is approved as a provider of continuing education of Facial Reflexology

by the American Reflexology Certification Board.